Our fees explained
Like other investment managers Nutmeg charges a fee for managing your investments. This is based on a percentage of your portfolio value. But rather than burying our fees in the small print, we want to be clear and upfront about what we charge.
With investment, your capital is at risk.
Our fees
As with any investment, there are underlying costs. At Nutmeg, there are no set-up, transaction, trading or exit fees. Simply enter an amount below to see how much you would pay across each of our five investment styles.
Costs and charges, explained
Nutmeg fees
Nutmeg fee per annum, including VAT where applicable.
Nutmeg fees
Nutmeg fee per annum, including VAT where applicable.
Like other investment managers, Nutmeg charges a fee for managing investments. This is charged by us as a percentage of your portfolio value, and it includes VAT where applicable. We calculate the fee daily based on your portfolio value at the close of business, and then collect fees automatically from your Nutmeg account once a month.
Fund cost
Average investment fund cost per annum.
Fund cost
Average investment fund cost per annum.
When you invest with Nutmeg, as with any other investment manager, we use your money to buy investments on your behalf. These funds carry their own charges that impact your portfolio performance. That is one of the reasons why we primarily use exchange traded funds (ETFs), to keep your costs as low as possible. This figure also accounts for estimated transaction costs within the funds.
Learn more about the investments we choose.
The average investment fund cost for Nutmeg fully managed portfolios is based on a 3 year annualised investment fund cost, asset-weighted. The average investment fund cost for Nutmeg fixed allocation, socially responsible and Smart Alpha portfolios is based on current fund costs, asset weighted.
Market spread
Average effect of market spread per annum.
Market spread
Average effect of market spread per annum.
When you invest with Nutmeg, we buy and sell assets on your behalf. Like all trading activity, during this process we’re subject to market spread. This is defined as the difference between the price to buy, and the price to sell.
To give you an example, when exchanging currency for a holiday abroad, you’ll see a different price when buying the foreign currency than when selling it back again. The price you buy at is known as the 'offer' price, and the price you sell at is the 'bid' price. The difference between them is known as the bid-offer, or market spread.
At Nutmeg, we use exchange traded funds (ETFs) to build your portfolio. Like currencies and most financial instruments, ETFs have a market spread. We work hard to choose ETFs with smaller spreads, and we combine client orders when trading, to minimise this cost.
The average effect of market spread cost is based on the 3 year annualised effect of market spread for fully managed portfolios, asset-weighted.
With investment, capital is at risk

Choose your investment style
All five Nutmeg investment styles are built by experts and use exchange traded funds (more on ETFs here) to diversify across stocks, bonds, industries, even countries.
Choose the one that works for you.

Most people ask us
When does Nutmeg charge fees?
Fees are charged monthly based on the annual rates.
When does Nutmeg charge fees?
Fees are charged monthly based on the annual rates.
We'll show you what you're paying and how it affects returns.
Where are fees taken from?
Where are fees taken from?
Fees will automatically be deducted from your Nutmeg account. There is no extra payment to be made.
How we calculate your fees
How we calculate your fees
We calculate your fees daily at the close of business – then automatically collect them every month. They're calculated based on the fee rates for your chosen investment style.
Can I withdraw my money anytime?
You can withdraw anytime from an ISA or general investment account.
Junior ISA, Lifetime ISA and Pension accounts have additional restrictions.
Can I withdraw my money anytime?
You can withdraw anytime from an ISA or general investment account. Junior ISA, Lifetime ISA and Pension accounts have additional restrictions.
With a Junior ISA, only the child can withdraw the funds, and only at 18. If the funds are not withdrawn at age 18, the money rolls into an adult ISA. Read more on Junior ISAs in our FAQ.
Lifetime ISAs carry additional withdrawal restrictions.
For pensions, government rules apply, so you'll only be able to withdraw after age 55; however, you can transfer to another provider at any time.
Our minimum suggested investment timeframe is three years.
Can I earn interest on cash?
Can I earn interest on cash?
If you have an ISA, JISA, LISA, GIA or pension pot, the cash in this pot will earn interest at the current Bank of England rate, minus 0.75%.
If you have a cash-only pot, you’ll earn interest at a fixed rate, which is set by Nutmeg and subject to change.
Cash that is in temporary transit – such as cash pending withdrawal or being transferred – will not earn interest.
Read more about cash in your portfolio.